Administrative Policies

Email Policy

As you know, we don't have a physical location. Because we're remote, communication by email and text is extremely important. Also, our business relies on speedy communication with students.

For these reasons, we require that tutors check and respond to email continuously throughout the day, at a minimum of three times a day (morning, midday, and evening) on weekdays and once a day on weekends.

We ask that tutors respond to new requests as soon as possible, and always on the same day.

Tutor Cancellations

In general, we don't cancel on students or move session dates and times. Part of providing a professional level of customer service is showing up. In general, planning ahead for exams, family events, and travel and communicating with students ahead of time will help you keep your commitments. If you do have to cancel or reschedule a session, it is essential to let us know if a student needs assistance that you are unable to provide.

In the event of an upcoming assignment or test that you can't help a student with, or if your student just needs extra hours, please do your students the courtesy of contacting us directly to let us know.

In the case of emergency cancellations, please communicate with us if you or your student needs support.